If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Idolitry Is NOT Dead

I just realized how if I was some sort of hardcore religious fanatic, I'd be completely against the show "American Idol".

Fortunately I don't have to wrestle with my religious beliefs on this matter since I enjoy watching reality television just as much as I enjoy having a tooth pulled. But, I can't help but wonder - doesn't one of the ten commandments say we are NOT to worship idols? (Should that be false idols? If so, which true idols are okay to worship?)

I don't know, maybe it's just me. Couldn't they have picked a better word than "idol"? Rebel Yell rocker Billy Idol started it all, and now we're all probably gonna burn in hell for singing along to his music. But I digress.

On American Idol, if we cheer or support these wannabe stars, are we guilty of idolitry?



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