If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sugar-Free Chocolate Winter

The little quirks in our lives are often what define us. One of my favorite little quirks is to eat ice cream in cold weather. Better said, I like to eat ice cream while I'm WATCHING cold weather from somewhere warm and cozy.

Last week we had one of those severely cold days downtown. The temperature was thirty-something degrees, but the gusty winds made it feel severely colder. People walked around with heavy coats, scarves and earmuffs as they tried to keep their watery eyes open in the strong downtown gusts. It was one of those cold and windy days where your eyes watered, your sinuses burned when you tried to inhale, and you found it hard to swallow from the cold air assaulting your nose and lungs.
While all this happened, I sat in the corner section of the De Espresso coffee shop at the corner of Church Street, next to the downtown Fire Station.
I had ordered a hefty bowl full of sugar-free chocolate ice cream, and fired up the old HP to check emails. I hadn't noticed how people stared at me as I savored every chocolate spoonful, but I know more than a few people must have thought I was insane for having ice cream on such a cold day.
I didn't care. The temperature in the coffee shop must have been close to eighty degrees, and I took off my jacket and sweater so as not to break out in a sweat.
I know I'm not the only one who likes to eat ice cream in cold weather. I've even seen folks out on benches in cold weather as they eat ice cream. I couldn't do that. I wouldn't enjoy the ice cream as much.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Trip To Texas - Part 1

"You're So Thin! - You've Gained Weight!"

I recently visited friends and family in Texas. The long weekend in south Texas turned out to be a very enjoyable time. Despite bad weather, I spent quality time with family that I enjoyed very much, and look forward to doing again.

When you wait a year to reunite with family, you notice things about each other that only your family would dare tell you. Everyone I saw told me I was way too thin, and they swore I was ill with some deadly North American disease. Folks back home remembered me squeezing into size 38 jeans and they remembered me with a pudgy face that radiated good health. (At least, that's how good health is measured down there.)

When I told my family how my doctor had put me on a strict diet to help me control my sugar, they were relieved, but couldn't stop staring at me. I felt like the roadside fender bender people slow down to glare at as they drive by.

Of course, I returned the favor and made my own comments about how everyone had ballooned up. The stares quickly dissipated, and they were replaced with shy grins. My mother, sisters and brother had all gained significant weight since last I saw them.

I expect they'll be on a diet for a month or two before things go back to normal.

Family - you gotta love 'em.