If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Idolitry Is NOT Dead

I just realized how if I was some sort of hardcore religious fanatic, I'd be completely against the show "American Idol".

Fortunately I don't have to wrestle with my religious beliefs on this matter since I enjoy watching reality television just as much as I enjoy having a tooth pulled. But, I can't help but wonder - doesn't one of the ten commandments say we are NOT to worship idols? (Should that be false idols? If so, which true idols are okay to worship?)

I don't know, maybe it's just me. Couldn't they have picked a better word than "idol"? Rebel Yell rocker Billy Idol started it all, and now we're all probably gonna burn in hell for singing along to his music. But I digress.

On American Idol, if we cheer or support these wannabe stars, are we guilty of idolitry?


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Blogs Reveal Too Much!

The news this morning reported how quite a few teenagers here in our area post their personal information on blogs or message boards. That was scary!

Any determined pervert could scan these blogs and message boards, do a bit of reading and pinpoint the individual's location to include a daily schedule. That makes me think twice about posting any detailed information about myself anywhere.

I may be 36 and no spring chicken, but I don't think there's a set age that keeps you from becoming some psychopath's victim.

Things to remember when volunteering your information to anyone - Online, don't use your real name. People can already tell who you are by tracking your I.P. address, and calling a few customer service centers claiming to be you with a problem.

Never post, or reveal your REAL date of birth and social security number. Make something up, or just flat out refuse. (HINT: If you make something up, write it down and remember it in case you forget a password, or have to go back to change your information later.)

Passwords: Make them complicated, difficult to guess and hard to crack. It's easier to have to pull out a piece of paper with your password on it than to have to repair your credit, have to start another bank account, or have to rebuild your identity etc. all because you decided to make your password your name or date of birth.

You're not making it easier for yourself when you make it easy for identity thieves and other nuts out there to victimize you.

Take the time to protect yourself and your kids.

Oh, and don't EVEN get me started on chat rooms!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Vinton Raceway

Driving into Roanoke through Vinton, the posted speed limit on Route 24 goes from 55 mph, to 45 mph, to 15 mph, to 40 mph, and finally to 35 mph. That's, of course, if there's any cops around.

Otherwise, it's slow drivers (idiots) on the right, speed demons (crazy idiots) on the left!
(I've heard so many people categorize slow drivers as such, and fast drivers in a similar manner, so I figured it's easy to recognize these terms.)

I'll be the first to admit I speed on Route 24 every chance I get. Most of the time, I'm trying to keep up with traffic, or I'm trying to get out of the way of someone who's tailgating me.

I drive through Vinton around six in the morning, and the speed demons are out in force. I imagine by seven, or by the time school starts up, the speed limits are vehemently enforced, and everyone puts on their "nice driver" faces. (Guffaw!) Shyeah, right!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Crosswalks - Death Between The Lines

A warning to anyone using pedestrian crosswalks in the downtown area - YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!
Why? Have you seen how fast these vehicles fly by when you're trying to cross the street? Just try crossing the street from Elmwood Park to the parking lot next to "Mostly Sofas".

The people driving these vehicles on Williamson Rd are speeding tickets begging to be issued. (City traffic mentality just had a total brain fart when they decided to prioritize parking violations over speeding infractions in this area.)

Hey, Mr. Golf Cart Parking Ticket person - get OUT of the buggy, and try crossing the street on foot sometime! You ever seen a golf cart scream for back-up? You'll see one then!

I just don't understand. Why is it we get parking tickets for staying in a spot 5 minutes too long, but right around the corner we've got idiots flying by doing 45 mph through pedestrian crosswalks?

My money's on someone having to die before these crosswalks get "official" attention again.
I took the time to stand there with the crowd and look at the faces of some of these Nascar rejects. You can almost read their thoughts when you see their faces. They tense up, they clutch the steering wheel with both hands and you hear the engines rev up as they get closer to the crosswalk. Oh, and they don't dare make eye contact with any of the people they're about to run over.

It's almost like they're thinking - "If I go really fast, no one will get in my way."

The ones that frighten me most are the ones puffing away on a cigarette in the same hand that's holding the coffee, while they're chatting on a cellphone in their other hand. These idiots are the same high-speed multi-taskers who pound on their horn when you try to cross the street in front of them half a block away. (Gee, officer, I don't know why my SUV plowed into 5 people, a tree and a handicapped squirrel.) Ironically, the infraction would be for disturbing the handicapped squirrel, and not for putting half a dozen people in the hospital.

I'm going to try to snap some pictures of these crazy people and post them on here for commenting.

Wish me luck - and yeah, I'm insured!