A warning to anyone using pedestrian crosswalks in the downtown area -
Why? Have you seen how fast these vehicles fly by when you're trying to cross the street? Just try crossing the street from Elmwood Park to the parking lot next to "Mostly Sofas".
The people driving these vehicles on Williamson Rd are speeding tickets begging to be issued. (City traffic mentality just had a total brain fart when they decided to prioritize parking violations over speeding infractions in this area.)
Hey, Mr. Golf Cart Parking Ticket person - get OUT of the buggy, and try crossing the street on foot sometime! You ever seen a golf cart scream for back-up? You'll see one then!
I just don't understand. Why is it we get parking tickets for staying in a spot 5 minutes too long, but right around the corner we've got idiots flying by doing 45 mph through pedestrian crosswalks?
My money's on someone having to die before these crosswalks get "official" attention again.
I took the time to stand there with the crowd and look at the faces of some of these Nascar rejects. You can almost read their thoughts when you see their faces. They tense up, they clutch the steering wheel with both hands and you hear the engines rev up as they get closer to the crosswalk. Oh, and they don't dare make eye contact with any of the people they're about to run over.
It's almost like they're thinking - "If I go really fast, no one will get in my way."
The ones that frighten me most are the ones puffing away on a cigarette in the same hand that's holding the coffee, while they're chatting on a cellphone in their other hand. These idiots are the same high-speed multi-taskers who pound on their horn when you try to cross the street in front of them half a block away. (Gee, officer, I don't know why my SUV plowed into 5 people, a tree and a handicapped squirrel.) Ironically, the infraction would be for disturbing the handicapped squirrel, and not for putting half a dozen people in the hospital.
I'm going to try to snap some pictures of these crazy people and post them on here for commenting.
Wish me luck - and yeah, I'm insured!