If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Vent Against Cellphone Users

Have you ever noticed how some people will allow their cell phone to ring a few times too many before they answer it? What's the deal with that?

It's almost like they're trying to attract attention to themselves by pretending to be in some sort of great demand. There should be a rule that if you don't answer the phone by the third or fourth ring, you forfeit all rights to control your cell phone. At that point, the phone should quit ringing, or someone near you has the unequivocal right to snatch the phone from you and fling it like skipping stone at Smith Mountain Lake.

I mean, honestly; what are these people thinking when they let their phone ring like that? Are they expecting us to be impressed?

Do they hope we're thinking:
"Oooh, his cellphone is ringing, he must be REALLY important! Ooooh! And look, it's still ringing! They must REALLY wanna talk to him 'cause he's soooo important."

How 'bout "no"? Letting the phone ring like that doesn't make people think you're important. Quite to the contrary, it lets us know you're slow, annoying and desperately lonely. It just lets everyone know you're desperate for attention.

So the next time your cellphone rings, answer the darned thing or shut it off. Other people in the elevator, or on the bus, or in a crowded room don't care about your ring tones or text messages. Get your "attention fix" somewhere else.


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