Once again I read the paper to discover another local event I missed. There's never any mention of these events in the mainstream media before they happen, but everyone is sure to hear about yesterday's "can't-miss" event a day or two after it's already passed. I understand the concept of reporting news "as it happens", but can we report "Upcoming Community Events" BEFORE they happen?!
Maybe I'm asking too much for the local media to give everyone a "heads-up" on all this stuff, but I was just under the impression the media was here to inform. Or is that just the obituaries?
Is there a site somewhere that list current events and doesn't require 100 characters of text and symbols to be typed into a web browser? How about a community events calendar that isn't posted on the blue screen of an obscure cable channel or flashed between farm reports at three in the morning? Community events are starting to get as obscure as the link to local bloggers on the front page of the Roanoke Times internet page. (I had to scroll down 8 complete pages to get to the "Local Bloggers" section. EIGHT PAGES! That's a whole website these days!)
I'm starting to get the impression the only events the media will consider worth publicizing are the ones that are going to generate an immediate and significantly large source of income for the media sources covering them. So much for community support. Where are these guys from again?
Looks like its back to the internet papers that cover the news from OUTSIDE of Virginia so I can stay on top of what's going on here at home. Television news is getting just as bad. The more I think about it, I may just ditch cable and watch Weather Channel reruns. I'm sure I'd be just as up-to-date and informed on upcoming events as the local media likes to keep me.
Oh, wait! There's a war going on?! And what's this Hurrican Emily stuff? Kuh-ray-zee!