If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Where is Mark Lamar???

There's some serious buzz going on out there about the condition and whereabouts of Channel 10's meteorologist - Mark Lamar. By looking at websites and media coverage, you'd think he never existed! Not cool at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was only a matter of time before Channel 10 felt the pressure of everyone's curiosity about Mark Lamarre. Just last night, the President, owner, or grandma - whatever she is - of Channel 10 went on the air and scolded everyone in a thankful manner for their concern.

A week late, and a thousand viewers short, lady. Admit it - they still messed up.

I can understand if they're bound by law, and choose to respect everyone's privacy regarding Lamarre's situation. Fine. But what about the thousands of viewers who have made Lamarre a mainstay of their day?

Channel 10 could've shown a little class and STILL abided by the law and professional courtesy if they'd just said something like "Hey, Lamarre's is no longer employed here, and due to bla-bla-bla we can't say anything at the moment. Thank you for your concern."

But nooooooo... instead they delete the man's existence, they try to distance themselves from him and his situation, and they pray their name doesn't get dragged through the mud along with Lamarre's.

They could've shown a little class by acknowledging the situation rather than hold their breath, do nothing, and then wonder why people jumped to speculations.

Lamarre was a mainstay of a lot of people's day, and to delete him like that with no acknowledgement or notice was simply a very bad public relations move. I bet their ratings would have jumped for being honest and considerate rather than tiptoeing and then throwing a granny hissyfit for sitting on their hands so long.

11:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need an update on this blog. Did you know that I find some "George Lopez Lingo" in your blog? Ex. But nooooooo...

3:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is alive and doing very well back in Brunswick Maine. He has a good job and is almost 100% back to being in excellent health.. Thanks to the people who truly have cared and have not bashed him!

3:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lamarre was fired because of obscene pictures on his myspace... I remember an incident where he was supposedly seen exposing himself to high schoolers but was never caught.

11:25 PM

Blogger Dee said...

That's not true! You might want too go back an research that again.

5:42 AM

Blogger Dee said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:59 AM

Blogger Dee said...

Wsls10 are too be ashamed of themselves of how they did Lamarr!! I am soooo glad that he is doing well. Even though he had some issues going on he came out on top!! He doesn't have too look at them jokers anymore :)

6:13 AM


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