If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Jack-O & The Heat

Not Guilty - At Least With This One...
Not to be left out by the media frenzy dealing with the Michael Jackson trial, I thought I'd share my two cents worth. One of the jurors in the trial said it best when he explained how the verdict they'd reached reflected ONLY the accusations of that one kid. He didn't feel Jackson had never molested a child, he just had reasonable doubt regarding this particular kid's credibility. That summed it up for me, too. Just a little while ago, Yahoo posted a news headline that read - "Jackson To End Sleepovers". Well, duh!

Mid 90's Heat & Humidity
Wow! This is like being back in south Texas. The temperatures hit the mid nineties, the air is muggy and humid, and you can't be outside for long without being coated by the sticky air that's best described as "chunky".
I looked out the window and saw some guy parading around without his shirt. Normally, I wouldn't pay attention, but he seemed so carefree despite the big beer belly, the white pants halfway down across his butt, and his general acceptance that he was some stud showing off "the goods". I'm not gonna say anything else about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That can be your compadre one day >:0)

8:38 PM

Blogger Texican said...

Oh, if only dreams DID come true.
:: sigh ::

7:38 AM


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