If you think life is crazy, you oughta try being a Mexican in Roanoke, VA. This is Southwest VA - Enchilada Style!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

"Deprivation" - Shyeah, right.

I think I've scrolled past the overly-done "No Soda Challenge" enough. Is it over yet? Can we move on? I mean, honestly! A thirty-day "no-soda" challenge? Big deal. I think my kid sister did that for Lent last year. Are they really that bored at the Roanoke Times?

Why not do something most of us have always been curious to challenge ourselves with? How about 30 days with no television? Maybe 30 days with no home computer? How about 30 days without sex? Well, scratch that one. Most of us are already living that challenge.

Okay, better yet, how about 30 days of daily sex? I bet that would be a challenge. The rules would be simple. You keep the same partner, it HAS TO BE once in a 24-hour timespan. Location, and other unmentionable details would be up to the discretion of the "challenged" couple.

I know most of us guys brag about how we could have sex everyday if it were possible, but I have a feeling we're more talk than anything else. My theory is we'd probably get bored if we had to have sex everyday,... day-after-day,... with the same person,... over and over.

Hmmm... I'm getting images of Al and Peggy Bundy on Married With Children.

I'd love to hear what you think about this.


Blogger RoanokeFound said...

feh- I say really challenge them. Make them do 30 days continuous of spelling bees. I come across the most atrocious spelling daily.

Pizza Cotter.

I found that one yesterday. Hand written so you can't blame a typo.

Better yet, 30 days of travelling to each of the Roanoke areas "attractions." and they have to spend the whole day there. Then maybe they will understand and appreciate what they have.

The sex thing is called marriage. You just kind of accept it at that point.

10:57 AM

Blogger FireFleitz said...

Yeah I think that I did that last month unwillingly (no sex). What is going on. Is it the moon. Maybe I should try showering.JK. I didn't give anything up for lent this year. I think that having children causes you to give up a lot, while not on purpose, that you don't realize you gave up until you talk to a couple without kids. Whats up with that.

11:12 PM


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